#368: The Opposite of Chaos
Min Jin Lee and Greek antonyms.
Min Jin Lee and Greek antonyms.
Or, what I learned about creative routines from my dog.
On reading The Annotated Wizard of Oz.
On strife and joy in stories.
Distance-running, creative types, and a DNA test.
Notes from working the polls.
Thoughts on developing film.
Hara's knives, Steinbeck's pencils, and more thoughts on exactness.
Positive compounding in everyday life.
Who gets to define your art?
Thoughts on obsession and art.
What I tell students at the schools I'm visiting.
Lessons from fermentation.
Learning the virtues of yard work.
Downsides to a hyper-optimized life.
To myself on my thirtieth birthday.
Dispatch from a round dwelling in the Catskill Mountains.
What Twin Peaks and Girls have in common.
Competitiveness, abundance, and being a Human in New York.
Sharing out of love versus the desire to be loved.