sunday #227

Small Yet Momentous

#227: Small Yet Momentous
La Salle Gardens, Detroit, MI

Finished the first pass of GRACE yesterday, hence my late letter this week. I hesitate to call it a draft, yet. It kind of looks like the house above – windows missing, a roof that needs to be unsagged, bricks that need to be hammered out and replaced … but man, it could be great!

After I hit send on this letter I’m going to perform the small yet momentous task of moving it from my usual writing app into a Word document (the standard currency in publishing). This week I’ll be reading over the manuscript and plotting out the work that needs to be done next, in order to get it to that stage – to a readable first draft. It still doesn’t have a real title yet, but I trust that one will come, on its own time.

In other news: See You in the Cosmos is a top-10 finalist for the Goodreads Choice Awards! These awards are decided by votes from readers (like you), so if you have an account, please vote in the Middle Grade and Children’s category. (And if you don’t have an account, you could always sign up :)

And for those of you doing NaNoWriMo this month, I applaud your effort and admirable pace. Keep going – you’re halfway there.