
#369: A New Short Story

Fiction issue of the Detroit Metro Times, spread open to my short story. Black phone and tea alongside on oak table.
North La Salle, Detroit, MI

Popping in briefly from my newsletter break to let you know that 1) the latest manuscript draft is in my editor’s possession, and 2) I have a brand new short story in the 2022 Fiction Issue of the Detroit Metro Times (our local alt-weekly).

I’ll share some of the backstory in my next letter, but without spoiling too much, I can say it’s a) my first published work of science fiction, and b) styled as a gadget review, in both content and appearance:

Close-up of orange “Field Test” design element above headline.
Just look at those native design elements!

Read it here: Field Test: Hiking with the Daedrīm D4 Up Mt. Detroit

There’s a digital issue too, in case you’re curious to read it in situ (page 20). The story appears alongside work by some of my favorite local writer/artist friends, so I also recommend flipping through the whole thing when you’re done.